The Best Motto

Gd, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannon change
Courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

You woke up this morning - Congratulations! You got another chance!

Monday, February 21, 2022


There is a popular trope in fiction and movies - at a certain point the hero or the heroine would ask The Heavens (or a dearly departed) for some kind of a sign to know for sure that whatever action is about to be undertaken is the right one.  This makes for a touching, or a romantic, or a heart-wrenching scene; but the real life is much more simple - and much more complex.

I firmly believe that Gd speaks to us all the time, and there is no need to ask for signs - they are just there: in the majesty of nature, in the love of our families, in the myriad of blessings bestowed upon us....heck, even in the craziness of this world and our fellow humans...and sometimes the message is so clear that it takes your breath away....

This past Monday Beloved Sibling sent me two consecutive media "bombs" - first was of the Israeli freedom convoy; the second was of our beautiful Sabra One donating her hair, which she painstakingly grew after the last donation so that she can donate it again!  This, right there, was to me the entire meaning of life encapsulated in a bunch of Internet messages.

Our children are the best of us; they are our miracles, our hope for the future, our victory dance over our enemies.  They are the biggest blessing from Heavens; their love, their innocence, their complete lack of guile, their unabashed enjoyment of simple stuff in life, their constant awe at the things that our jaded eyes just can't see anymore - all these and more make for the best balm for the troubled soul.  

And in return, we have to ensure that the world we would leave for them is at least as good (and hopefully better) than the one that we had inherited - and that means standing up to the real monsters.  It is that simple and that complex.