The Best Motto

Gd, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannon change
Courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

You woke up this morning - Congratulations! You got another chance!

Friday, May 04, 2007


It has been a little while since my last entry; but I can see that one of the main issues I have raised, that of the Second Amendment rights and gun control, has generated a little lively debate between my friend Moshe and my reader Maria Lokhankin. After reading all their comments, all I want to add is this:

1. With all due respect to the police officers, their job usually ends up being investigating the crimes or dealing with the aftermath of those crimes, but not preventing them. The mass shooting at Virginia Tech was a prime example of that.

2. The idea of allowing college students to parade around the campus with guns may not sound very bright, but (forgive me for being crude) neither is the idea of those same kids having indiscriminate sex a la March hares, getting drunk all the time, or using drugs (and if you do not perceive all those things as having the same degree of danger, allow me to politely disagree). It all boils down to one thing: were those kids raised to be responsible, moral human beings or not.

3. If I am not mistaken, the original mission of the much maligned NRA was to teach people how to operate guns, and only much later were they forced into defending the right to own gun, not just teaching to operate it. It is a simple logic and common sense that if a person owns a gun, he or she have to know how to operate it and take care of it.

4. And last, but most important: it is a Constitutional Right of every American Citizen to own a gun! Just because some people do not like it, or disagree with it, or feel threatened by it, it does not give them the right to dictate to the rest of the country! I may not like it when an anti-Israel crowd is marching across the Brooklyn bridge; more than that, I would have been overjoyed had the bridge collapsed, and they all drowned. Actually, scratch that: not very hygienic, plus I would feel bad for the bridge. Let us say, if they all magically disappeared forever, I would be thrilled. But as much as I hate those people and everything they stand for, I have no right to deprive them of their First Amendment rights! So who the hell are the Brady lobby, Michael Moore, and the rest of that stinking crown to deprive American citizens of their Constitutional Right?! Who gave them the right to deprive us of our right to choose to own or not to own a gun?

As per statistics and legal jargon, below is the link to an article written by David B. Kopel, who was an ADA in Manhattan. The article is entitled "Trust the People". I think that says it all. On this happy note I personally close this discussion for now; not because I want to follow in the illustrious steps of the Darwinists who claim that there is no need for discussion because the topic was proven irrefutably, but because I can not say it better or clearer or with better examples than this dude. Here we go:


M_Lokhankin said...

1. The mere fact that something is a Constitutional right now doesn't necessarily mean that it will or should remain that way forever. Take slavery, for example. Disregarding the fact that most husbands are in clear violation of the law by owning a wife-slave (not you, master Vasisualiy), slavery was a constitutional right and no longer is. Some might decry that, but most people would agree that it is a good thing. So just because someone says that X is a constitutional right, doens't make X desirable or good by definition.

2. If you accurately described the activities of an average college student, would you really trust him/her with the deadly weapon? How does their engaging in deadly/dangerous activities justify allowing them having guns on campus?

Moish said...

1. too long for ma to analyze
2. just because someone flashes her boobies at spring break, sleeps with strangers (at the same spring break) and films all of that (on the same spring break), don't mean she can't have a gun to use against a rapist (at that very spring break)