The Best Motto

Gd, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannon change
Courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

You woke up this morning - Congratulations! You got another chance!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


I just realized that today is UN day. My feelings about UN can be summarized in a dark joke that somebody (do not remember who exactly) uttered shortly after September 11. The gist of the joke was that the guy was wishing for both planes to hit UN building instead of WTC (my addition was that the planes should have contained only terrorists); this way we would have avoided a tremendous tragedy and loss of lives, plus we would have gotten rid of at least 75% of world terrorists. Alas, G-d had over plans.

Here is the link to a great article titled nicely "Death to UN".


Sally Hazel said...

Still enjoy reading your blog! ( and now - can leave as many comments as i want:)!

Sally Hazel said...

AAaawww! Nothing like a face lift!!! Congratulations!

SubWife said...

Happy birthday, Barb!

Sally Hazel said...

Barb, it's time to write something in honor of your bday...

SubWife said...

I second that motion. I depended on you to brighten up my day, and now you are just letting me down. That said, happy birthday!!! WE love you! It's time to invite yourelf for a meal!

Barb Chansky said...

Thanks for the good wishes, girls! Unfortunately, I actually have to work, so, no postings in very immediate future:(

SubWife said...

corporate sell-out.

Sally Hazel said...

maybe the TVs @ my work are better than your computer after all?

SubWife said...

You have an anti-war ad on your blog! What is the world coming to?

Barb Chansky said...

I just checked and didn't find it: I hope the blankety blanks changed it.

SubWife said...

Yep, that's why I removed my ads. Because you never know what these blankety blanks will put on your site. In my case, it was smut...

SubWife said...

and now you have Syrian embassador talking about peace process. You gotta do something about it. Every time you turn your back, they put a liberal ad on your blog. Gevalt!

Sally Hazel said...

Yay! Barb finally posted something new (see below this post)!