The Best Motto

Gd, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannon change
Courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

You woke up this morning - Congratulations! You got another chance!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


A few days ago I was checking my friend Moish's blog in hopes that he posted something else that would amuse me. As my computer monitor reflects off the dumb pictures behind me showing some project or other that my company completed, I have to be very careful, never mind dexterous, during my mental breaks (OK, OK, slaking off work).

Alas, the latest entry was that wonderful cartoon that so eloquently shows Russian anti-Semitism and total stupidity imbedded in it. While I was trying to close the page, one of our junior architects, a very sweet Chinese dude, came to my desk to ask for something. Judging by his face, LiveJournal took its sweet time closing, and poor guy went off with a strange impression that yours truly not only has occasional fun during work, but that fun occasionally looks suspiciously like somebody's naked butt. Ow, well! Since he is working here for over a year, I am hoping for the strength of his first impression of me.


SubWife said...

Yes, I would not recommend opening his blog at work, in front of children/parents/ppl with weak nervous system. You get the gist.

Sally Hazel said...

LOL! You should know better than to open moish's blog during work hours!
On second thought, ditto for his emails with attachments...

Moish said...

I love Moish bashing! Have a feast ladies :) Come to think of, Moish himself doesn't open his blog at home since that's where you have kids and ppl with weak nervous system. But I am happy that the three of you have passed the test and crave more!

Moish said...

barb, i am really, really sorry about the post --- I was sure you, of all people will appreciate it --- bummer i didn't consider your co-workers. sorry again.

SubWife said...

not sure I passed...

Moish said...

i guess you are still a child :)

Moish said...

by the way, now that I have all three of you here (Barb, thanx for hosting the party), A VERY MERRY DAY OFF TO EVERYONE!!!!

SubWife said...

That must be it then. Re: merry day off - I second that motion! Enjoy!!! I know by the end of it I'll be looking forward to going back to work, sigh... Still, nothing beats a day off!

Sally Hazel said...

One of my very good friends used to tell me that I like toilet humor. Well, there are toilets and then, there are public bathrooms. Plus, if I say so myself, I've grown since then...
And, my day off was so merry I didn't even realize I almost missed the party!