A bit late, but most sincere..
This is what I wrote on the first night of Chanukah:
Tonight's off key, but very enthusiastic rendition of Ma Oz Tzur was, once again, dedicated to the following individuals and entities (partial list): (thankfully) former USSR, Communists, Socialists, NKVD, KGB (especially the agents who spied on my family, opened our mail, listened to our phone, arrested my father, and told him that he would rot in Soviet Union forever); all the philo-Semitic Russians who politely called my mom "kike b-tch who whelped too many little kikes" and other choice words and expressions; all my classmates from various Moscow schools (especially the older ones) who jeered at my pride in being a Jew, mocked my yearning to visit the Holy Land and learn about my heritage, gave me claustrophobia by constantly cornering me during breaks, and once tried to set me on fire; also to the ones who saddled me with years of guilt - because my Jewish pride ended up hurting my siblings (both physically and emotionally).
To all of you (and countless others) I would like to, once again, issue a following reminder: my family is free!! We survived, we escaped, we prospered, we reconnected with our religion, we visited Israel countless times (and some of us even live there), we lead happy and fulfilled lives as proud Jews. You, on the other hand, will end up in the trash heap of history, nameless and forgotten.
Chanuka Sameach, boys and girls! To freedom, to victory over darkness and evil, to all of our lost brethren finally finding their pride and their brains, to hope and refusal to surrender! To light, to miracles, to our hostages' immediate return, to our warriors gaining total victory over our enemies! May The Father bless and protect us! Am Israel Chai! L'Chaim!
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