The Best Motto

Gd, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannon change
Courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

You woke up this morning - Congratulations! You got another chance!

Sunday, November 30, 2008


You can count me fanciful, or obsessed, or blind, or just plain stupid; but to me, the meaning of the last week's terrorist attacks in Mumbai was, unfortunately, crystal clear: members of the religion of peace were rattling their sabers and basically testing the waters, and in the process also flipping the bird; all in response to the recent demonstration of the collective stupidity of American electorate re Barak Hussein Obama. Allow me to elaborate (and please forgive the usual accumulation of cliches; after all, they are pretty expressive).

Indian government, media, and all the sundry involved parties can harp from today till the aria of the Rubenesque lady that "the unfortunate incident" happened as a result of the unending tensions over the Kashmir region, and were specifically perpetrated by some kind of free-lancing wings of Pakistani militants. That would have made sense till you filter through your brain two chilling components: attackers specifically separated American and British citizens, and, the most horrible, they targeted the Chabad House, probably the only Jewish dwelling in Mumbai.

Great Britain is the only European country who still protests, albeit pretty feebly (but despite the idiotic ramblings of the Archbishop of Canterbury), the advancement of the global Caliphate and the tender mercies of the loyal followers of the prophet that are being perpetrated on the infidels in the course of that advancement. Of course, the fighting spirit that defeated Napoleon and Hitler is in pretty short supply on the shores of Albion now a days; never the less, the still fighting infidels deserved a clear message.

Our own much, much maligned and denigrated US of A, remains, again forgive the cliche, the last standing and still fighting pretty strongly bastion of freedom in the world. Needless to say, we needed a little remainder as well.

Israeli government, with all due respect, is, as I mentioned before, impersonating a cowardly lion for the past few years, and is ready to surrender not only territory, but their dignity as a sovereign and independent country able to defend themselves against all enemies. Nevertheless, any Jew alive is an insult to the peaceful followers of the one true prophet, so, Jews had to be attacked too. Moreover, that attack was very specific: according to Ellis Washington, whose weekly column I always enjoy reading: "The chances of indiscriminately killing perhaps Mumbai's only Jewish family? One in 18 million. "

So, Americans, Brits, and those pernicious scape goats who refuse to disappear off the face of the Earth no matter the effort, were sent another clear message. And the timing of the message contained another, even clearer meaning: the "active" members of the religion of peace that are currently "engaged in warfare" against innocent civilians are not afraid anymore. And why should they? Brits are almost ready to surrender. The current situation in Israel makes only Jews weep; the rest are very happy. And, most importantly, they are not afraid of the American retaliation: whatever efforts poor, much maligned President Bush extended in order to defend our country against Islamists earned him the moniker of the worst President in history. Three weeks before the attack we, Americans, had a chance to elect a person who, despite his many flaws, was an honorable Veteran with a very clear position in regards to the defense of our country. Instead, we elected a proven demagogue, whose friends represent different strata of America-hating, and who is willing to have diplomatic meetings with the worst terrorists on the international scene. So, I am horrified, sad, and heartbroken; but not surprised.

My heart goes out to the families of Rabbi Gavriel and Rebetzen Rivka Holtzberg; especially to their poor parents. May The Heavenly Father protect all Jewish parents from such horror! And in all the usual media hoopla and the political grandstanding, I am waiting for all the famous possessors of the bleeding hearts, who are always the first ones to cry and moan the supposed horrible fates of the poor Palestinian children, to cry and moan about the poor Moshe Tzvi Holtzberg! I would dearly love to see Brangelina or Michelle Obama sending him toys or paying him a personal visit. I would also love to see Barak Hussein picking up the phone, dialing his grandparents, and repeating that perfect line from the overwise idiotic "West Wing" "I am a parent too; I don't know what to say".

I know I will be waiting in wain, but still... Poor child, whose brutally slain parents were American citizens, by the way, just turned two years old the day after that horrific murder! And, due to the idiotic bureaucratic red tape, he can't even be with his nanny, the only other constant in his life. He is forever denied parental love and the possibility of having normal family and siblings. Hanuka is just few weeks away, and he will not be able to light the Menorah with his Mother and Father, this or any other coming Hanukah. His mother won't sing him to sleep anymore. His parents won't be able to teach him Sh'ma, or his first letters; they will not swell with pride at his Bar Mitzvah, or dance at his wedding. Little Moshe Tzvi's parents were brutally torn away from him for committing the most horrible crime in the eyes of Muslim murderers: they were Jews.

Dear Heavenly Father, on this day, just like any other day, I offer you my humble prayer and request: please watch over Your Children! Please do not remove from us Your Protection and Your Blessings! May You, in Your Infinite Mercy, grant peace to little Moshe Tzvi, and some semblance of closure to his poor grandparents; may You comfort everyone affected by this horrible tragedy!

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