For me it will always be a reminder about August 19-21, 1991, Russian "putch". So many people came to support the democracy only to reject it a few years later. Good times, good times.
LPC, thanks! Next time when we meet face to face remind me to tell you the lyrics, the translation, and, most importantly, the long explanation (because the translation alone will not cut it)
Sub, by the Grace of Divine Providence, we were already here in 1991, so, all I remember are the idiotic comments of "so, no more Russia?" But I agree with you, that country is truly unique.
Moshe, of course we had bananas sometimes, smarty pants! That was not the point:)
I never heard the lyrics, I think. Must have something to do with not being from Moscow.
Re: potential clients... There must be a reason why these dames retire at 38 in Russia. Reminds me of a joke one Russian comedian married to a ballerina used to say,"She turned 38, and now i am sleeping with a retiree."
Hilarious :p
For me it will always be a reminder about August 19-21, 1991, Russian "putch". So many people came to support the democracy only to reject it a few years later. Good times, good times.
We had bananas sometimes.
LPC, thanks! Next time when we meet face to face remind me to tell you the lyrics, the translation, and, most importantly, the long explanation (because the translation alone will not cut it)
Sub, by the Grace of Divine Providence, we were already here in 1991, so, all I remember are the idiotic comments of "so, no more Russia?" But I agree with you, that country is truly unique.
Moshe, of course we had bananas sometimes, smarty pants! That was not the point:)
Could I get a refresher on the lyrics too? I don't remember... Sad, I know.
Ditto for the lyrics...I think I didn't get the joke...
OK, younger generation:)
Next time I see the respective parties, I will remind you of the lirics:)
v moskve banani deficit... I knew Right away what you were talking about and I can't get it out of my head now:)
I watched the video again and this time I thought that the balerina's are my potential clients...
I never heard the lyrics, I think. Must have something to do with not being from Moscow.
Re: potential clients... There must be a reason why these dames retire at 38 in Russia. Reminds me of a joke one Russian comedian married to a ballerina used to say,"She turned 38, and now i am sleeping with a retiree."
От улыбки лопнул бегемот,
Обезьяна подавилася бананом,
Тёмный лес срубили дикари
И захлопали большие чемоданы.
И тогда наверняка
Выпьем кружку коньяка
И кузнечик побежит сдавать бутылки,
С голубого синяка начинается тюрьма,
Ну а дружба начинается с бутылки!
В лесу родилась елочка
В лесу она росла
Она для маскировочки
Посажена была
А елочка - не елочка,
Ракетный полигон,
И каждая иголочка
По сорок мегатонн.
Ефрейтор в шубке заячьей
Ухаживал за ней,
Машинным маслом смазывал:
"Смотри, не заржавей".
Но вот однажды звездочка
По небу проплыла,
И много-много гадостей
На крыльях принесла.
Нажал майор на кнопочку,
Простите, на сучок,
В звезду вонзилась елочка
По самый корешок.
Когда упала звездочка,
Желанье загадал:
Чтоб мир на всей планете был,
И атом мирно спал
По стенкам бегают клопы,
Туды-сюды, туды-сюды:
"Отдай штаны! Не твой размер!"
В Москве бананы дефицит,
За ними очередь стоит:
"Купи банан! Купи банан!"
Но тут Горилла прибежал,
Забрал бананы, убежал:
"Какой нахал! Какой нахал!"
There you go, Moshe! I guess my hint helped?
indeed it did :-D
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