Nancy Pelosi is trending at #8, because she claimed she is confident we can avoid fiscal cliff - considering the fact that she is one of the responsible parties, that's a balsy statement; of course, nothing beats "we have to pass it to know what's in it". Brothel owner in Nevada won a public office, which news are currently trending at #6 - at least this is an honest representation of a politician. A family of three: father, son, and daughter, were arrested for a series of bank robberies in Texas and Oregon - interesting way to spend family time. And Rihanna was "rocking" a dress made famous by Clueless - very imaginative. There is also a list of 10 cities that are worst for women's health - Little Rock, Arkansas is at #6; hum, even after all these years of Clinton's departure from there? And, finally, Bieber "lashed out at the haters at AMA ceremony" - keep it classy, Justin.
Coffee this morning in my Coffee Bean/Tea Leaf mug from LA.
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