The Best Motto

Gd, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannon change
Courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

You woke up this morning - Congratulations! You got another chance!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


Happy Passover to all the Jews! Enjoy the Matza!

Nice Holiday Highlights for me: was forced to actually clean my apartment; insisted on my usual (after my seminary days) eight glasses of dry, red wine; as a result, got drunk and tried to refill my hostesses glass without uncorking the bottle; very much enjoyed listening to my kooky friend singing Shvach Hamasho on his balcony to the tune of "Silent Night"; got a very serious and solemn compliment on my new springy skirt from a six-year old; looked at the pictures of my niece and nephew every other hour (since the models very enjoying themselves in Maryland); got stuffed with delicious food (repeatedly); listened to my co-worker's stupid comments (repeatedly), trying to explain to them that no, we do not fast the whole day and eat at night, since we are not muslims and Ramadan is finished for this year.

On the slightly more serious note: in case I did not mention it before, I have gone to seminary to actually learn (that's is probably why I enjoyed it so much), so, I still remember some stuff, even though it has been seventeen years. One of the things I always remember very clearly is one of the connections between Passover, Shavuot and Succot: first we were selected for a mission, then we were given the tools to accomplish it, and finally, we report on the accomplishment. Actually, a profound way to look at the Passover: re-experiencing, once again, not only the freedom from slavery, but remembering all the reasons we were freed.


PS I realize that , due to unforeseen (or foreseen) circumstances, by the time this piece goes "to print", Passover will be over; the sentiment, however, remains.

1 comment:

Sally Hazel said...

Hear hear!