Good Morning, peeps! Happy Wednesday! Feline companions are slowly getting used to the strange noisy machine and returning at night. George Hamilton is still running for the Mayor of NY; after winning this election, he will run on the VP ticket with the cat who is currently the Mayor in Alaska - just see how quickly our country will prosper.
Rupert Grint is supposed to carry the Olympic torch - Hogwarts uniform not included. FDA approved yet another weight loss drug - ambulance chasers are hiring an army of under-paid underlings in preparation for the future mega lawsuits. The pictures of the new boyfriend of J. Lo just "surfaced" - may I just say ugly? "Global warming denials got new ammunition" - well, duh!! A dude drowned his buddy's BMW - real test of manly friendship. And a young star buys a home with waterfall in the backyard - waiting for the lectures on our horrific carbon footprints from the said star any day or sooner.
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