Good Morning, peeps! Happy Wednesday! The weather is a bit better than yesterday, thank Gd! Tonight - the cold front is coming; yippee!!! Am completely useless in this weather.
Cynthia Nixon's wedding was big news - aw...the whole special announcement about the pictures being released...In other wedding news, Prince William told Katie Couric that he was presented with a list of 777 people as potential wedding guests - and he did not know a soul; so, he consulted his grandma, and she told him to forget the list and think of whom he and Kate would like to invite first...but she gave him an ultimatum on what he was going to wear to the ceremony. Whenever I peruse this nonsense, I am always reminded of bread and circuses. Achtung, Parteigenosse Michelle! Paula Dean was making New Orleans' beignets with her brother in law! And now Ina is doing a whole segment on desserts!!!
Coffee this morning in my stripped glass from Target.
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