The Best Motto

Gd, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannon change
Courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

You woke up this morning - Congratulations! You got another chance!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

MORNING UPDATE, July 6, 2012

Good Morning, peeps! Happy Friday! Happy Erev Shabat! Again, no comment on the weather for about 2 more months:) Happy National Fried Chicken Day - The Food Police is silent so far, but, I am sure not for long. 

It looks like Chris Rock once again proved not only his own idiocy, but his deep racism as well - I am officially surprised. A dude in Missouri was repairing his wiring and discovered a century-old whiskey bottle under his floorboards - gentlemen, being useful around the house pays! And it looks like quarter million bees made their home atop Waldorf Astoria - environmentalism as work once again. And a mayor of a Utah city let his constituents decide if he should keep or shave his mustache - good call. Also, kids loose about 2 months of learning during summer - it's summer, dumbbells! Plus, what is where to loose - all the indoctrination done by the members of National Teachers Union? That's not a loss.

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