Good Morning, peeps! Happy Monday!
Babies are dominating the news: Snooki's baby is trending at #4, and Kourtney Kardashian's baby weight is at #2 - fascinating, simply fascinating! Jessica Alba's haircut is at #7 - our priorities are straight! Prince Harry is also floating around the breaking news - because nobody else gets naked in Vegas. And speaking of Brits and stupidity - Emma Watson has a collection of about 20 Bibles: gifts from religious idiots seriously concerned with witchcraft and its deadly influence on the young minds. Men shared their creative ways of saying I love you - how about just not being a jackass at least half the time? That would proclaim his love like no chocolates or perfume ever would. Another lengthy list - what to bring to college and what to skip; well, brain protection against liberal brainwashing from the professors and strong hide to withstand the tolerance of liberal students - that should top any freshman's list.
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