The Best Motto

Gd, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannon change
Courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.

You woke up this morning - Congratulations! You got another chance!

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

MORNING UPDATE, February 13, 2013

Good Morning, peeps! Happy Wednesday! The weather improved slightly, and there is no more snow under my window. Got a bit scared in the night when I heard somebody else snoring in the room till I realized that I was Snuffles sleeping in the cat house. 

The latest issue of my monthly bible featured Dakota Fanning on the cover - and let me tell you, boys and girls, she looks mighty scary. The same publication also claims that 67% of guys do not mind leg stubble - mighty generous of them. And, finally, the publication released the information on Kardashians' 2 step-sisters who are ready to take on the world - world, get a bit more scared! Paparazzi got Kate's baby bump, and will release it, or rather the pictures of it, very shortly! Rejoice, oh world, because nobody saw a tall, skinny, 30 year old preggo in expensive clothes before! And this just in - Alec Baldwin's current wife is pregnant also, and, like Kate and Kim K, also due this summer - hell, where should we all hide this summer? Shortly after Pope announced his resignation, the Vatican was struck by humongous lightning - insert your own comment, as everyone else is busy doing just that. Taylor Lautner turned 21 - which happy event is currently trending at #8; the birthday bash included bowling and Kristen Stewart as guest. Congrats, Taylor! I hope the legally served beer was enjoyable. Our fair city is one of 5 US metro areas where there are way more single women than men - I guess that explains the singularly unappealing state of NY single men. In the same vein - our very own Brooklyn Botanical Garden is considered New York's most romantic location. Wow, could have fooled me, because every time I go there, it is full of local barbarians and their progeny, along with "inner city" kiddies and barbarian curses. Yea, I can see myself swooning in romantic embrace there. 

Coffee this morning in my San Fran latte mug.

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